Nail&Eyelash salon

Asao Yuki

With Asou Yuki

staff interview


Asou Yuki

What is your specicalty when it comes to this job?

Putting on volume lashes and and large amounts of lashes.

What have you learned here at Liliy First?

The Foundations of Serving customers and Eyelist skills.

What do you strive for within your job?

To never forget to smile.

How do you spend your holidays?


Why did you choose Lily First?

Having a day off on sunday, and the feeling of being able to improve my skills

From here on out is there anything that you would like to challenge?

I would like to try and conquer going to all foreign Disneylands!

What do you like doing for fun?

Going to live shows, and passionetly singing at karaoke. And yes, I love Disney!


  • 京都市中京区錦小路通烏丸西入ル占出山町312KAY'Z ビル2F
  • 075-212-3050
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